One evening, one of my best friends, his fiancee and I had just got back to their house after a few drinks down at the local pub. It had been quite a relaxed night out, as all three of us had had hectic days at work. I'd actually wanted it to be an evening of chilled out drinking, as I'd made the decision that tonight was going to be the night I was going to announce to my best friend's wife-to-be that I was bisexual. I'd already told Steven, a couple of years ago, and he'd said he was a little shocked, but would stand by me whatever I decided. "There you go", offered Caoimhe, as she set a can of beer in front of me, and then one in front of Steven. As she opened a third one for herself, we said the only word that was suitable - "Cheers!!". All three of us duly raised our cans in the air, and began drinking. Steven started reminiscing about women he'd been out with before he'd met Caoimhe, just to get Caoimhe wound up. As soon as he started mentioning the women's names, she turned on him, and started complaining."Okay", exclaimed Steven, "what do you want to talk about for the rest ofthe night?!". Within seconds, it was obvious Caoimhe had nothing else to talk about. It wasn't long before she turned to face me and ask aquestion. "What do you want to listen to this evening?". "I don't mind. Just stick on the radio, for the time being", I suggested, trying to avoid starting a fight between the two lovers. "Don't I get to suggest what music we listen to this evening?!", asked Steven, feeling a little leftout. "But Steven", commented Caoimhe, as she went over to him to sit on his knee, "you always get to choose the music. Let Alan have the choice tonight". Within seconds, the pair of them were snogging, more passionately than I'd ever witnessed before. "Yeah, yeah; all right you two, break it up!!", I ordered, as I'd seen them snogging many times during their five and a half year relationship. I went over to the hi-fi system and turned on the local music radio station. All of a sudden, one of the best dance tunes of the year started playing on the radio. I just had to get up and have a boogie, as I had hardly danced during the night. As the tune really got going, my legs felt as though they were doing overtime. After a few minutes, I began to slow down, and soon found myself stopping,only to find Steven and his fiancee kissing just as intensely as before. It looked to me as though they weren't going to pay any attention to what I said to them, so I sat down to finish my beer.
Not long after I'd sat down, Steven and his girlfriend parted to finish their beers. "Caoimhe", I began, "can you keep a secret?". "Yeah, 'course", she replied, "what is it?!". After taking a few seconds to compose myself, I told her my big secret. We were soon hugging each other, so as to confirm she had no problem with what I'd just told her. It was only the second time we'd ever hugged, and I suddenly began to feel more confident within myself. "I'm off to bed", said Steven, as he got up from where he was sitting. As he walked past me, he held his hand out and I shook his outstretched hand. "See ya, mate", I said, just as Steven walked through the open doorway, towards the hallway. "So, how long have you had these feelings?!", asked an inquisitive Caoimhe, once Steven was out of earshot. "To be honest with you", I started, "I don't know exactly, but I started coming out about two and a half years ago. Before that, I suppose I always thought it was a possibility that I wasn't straight". "Why didn't you tell me sooner? I have a lot of gay friends", Caoimhe continued to question. "I guess I thought you might react in a weird way", I commented. "Oh well ... now you know that it doesn't matter to me what your sexual orientation is to be honest". "I'm tired", I said, "I'm off to bed. I'll see you in the morning". With that, I leaned over to hug Caoimhe again because I'd been worried about what her reaction would be to my confession. I also felt my coming out to her had improved our friendship. As I was getting ready for bed, I heard Caoimhe climbing the stairs to the bedroom that she shared with Steven. "Goodnight", she said as she passed the door of the spare bedroom. "Yeah, goodnight; see you in the morning", Caoimhe replied.
After a few minutes of lying in bed, I heard a knock at my door. "Come in", I exclaimed, knowing it must be either Steven or Caoimhe. I was a little bemused when both of them walked into the room wearing only their underwear. Before I could ask what they wanted, Caoimhe explained why they were both standing there, half-naked. "We know that you're not very sexually experienced with men or women, so we've both agreed it's about time you had some lessons for when you eventually do strike it lucky!" "When was this decided?" I asked, still flabbergasted. "Oh, we've been planning it for a while now, but thought that now would be a perfect opportunity to start the course after what you told Caoimhe earlier", said Steven. "Are you serious?!", I replied. "Of course we are. You don't think we'd be here if we weren't", replied Steven. "The first lesson is to be kissing", Caoimhe continued. "We know you've had a few snogs in recent months, but you may need to practice a bit on your technique", explained Steven. As the half-naked woman of my dreams approached me, I automatically tilted my head to the right and puckered up for a snog that I'd only ever dreamed about. Although the first kiss only lasted a matter of a few seconds, it was like I'd just stepped into a new world. When she eventually pulled away from me, she looked at me with a smile. I immediately knew that I had made a statement. It was Caoimhe who broke the silence. "That's a great technique you've got there!". "Presumably not as good as mine", interrupted Steven, already starting to feel a bit left out."Of course not", exclaimed Caoimhe, as she proceeded to give him a really long-lasting snog. I was getting incredibly turned on by just looking at them. My brain was going mad just trying to imagine what other lessons my friends had lined up for me during the course of the night. "I think you need a little more practice at that", started Steven, as he approached me,"but this time, you're going to have to imagine snogging a bloke!". I was curious as to how this was going to be achieved, as there was only the three of us in the house. The next thing I knew was that Steven was standing right in front of me, lightly caressing my cleanly-shaven face as I'd just seen him do with his wife-to-be before they'd snogged. Was my best friend about to snog me in front of his long-term girlfriend? During Steven's mind-blowing snog, it was becoming obvious that both of them wanted to give me lessons about sex with both men and women. I was really starting to get the hang of it, when Steven broke off the kiss. "That's enough of that for a while", Caoimhe started, "we'll probably come back to that and give you some more practice". "Not that you really need any!",continued Stevie, giving me a knowing glance. "Right, what's the next lesson?!", I asked. "Have a guess?", said Caoimhe, proceeding to unclip her Wonderbra. As her bra fell to the ground, I saw what I had always thought would be the best pair of tits I've ever seen - either in real life or in print. I also noticed something truly erotic - she'd had her right nipple pierced - just as I did! "Well", said Caoimhe, "what are you waiting for, a written invitation?!". As both Steven and I got closer to Caoimhe, I began to realise that tonight would be the start of something very special indeed. As I began to nibble on her left nipple, Steven was taking care of her pierced right nipple. My first ever taste of a woman's nipple was an experience quite like no other. It was a lot more sensuous for me that I'd imagined. I also experimented by taking my mouth away from her nipple and using my tongue to 'flick' it to make it stand erect. "Mind if I tried sucking your other nipple now?", I asked Caoimhe. "No", she replied, encouraging me, "go right ahead". As Steven and I swapped sides,I began to let my tongue explore the area round her pierced right nipple,which was an even better experience than her left. It seemed as though I was doing all the right things as I could hear her moaning, but to this day I don't know who enjoyed it more - her or me!! After a while, I decided that I'd had enough of my first taste of female nipple and took it upon myself to proceed down Caoimhe's fantastic body towards the entrance of her love tunnel. "Hey", exclaimed Steven and Caoimhe in unison, as soon as they realised what I was up to, "where do you think you're going!". "Sorry", I explained, "didn't think I needed a written invitation!!".
I slowly stood up 'til I was facing Caoimhe once again and immediately felt the urge to give her another snog before taking a step back. "So ... what's next?". I felt overwhelmed by the moment and leaned forward to give her yet another snog. "Okay tiger", said Caoimhe, "no need to get worked up about it!". "Next", piped Steven, "is the lesson on blow-jobs". "We're going to start by demonstrating on you", continued Caoimhe turning to me,"then I'll demonstrate, using Steven's cock as an aid. After that, you can have some practice on Steven yourself". "Are you sure?", I asked, not sure what the two had said to each other to make this happen. "We wouldn't be here if we weren't 100% sure, would we?", answered Steven. "It's okay, I've told her all about us!". Had I just understood what my best friend had just said? You see, during the past two years, him and I had been sleeping with each other on and off - usually when we were both drunk. I would usually creep into his bed and within seconds would be munching on his tasty cock. What made things even more erotic was that he seemed to love sucking on mine - often at the same time. As I started to take in what had just been said, Caoimhe and Steven were on their knees just in front of me and it was Caoimhe who started to stroke my ever increasing cock through the fabric of my boxer shorts. Within a matter of a minute or so, she decided it was about the right time to be the first adult woman of my peer group to see my naked cock. Within a matter of a few seconds off easting her eyes on my fully erect seven inch cock, she started to lick it from the base right to the top. It looked even more erotic than I'd imagined it would - I nearly came there and then. As Caoimhe was continuing with the blow job, Steven told his future wife to start licking the side of my cock - so he could lick the other side of it. As I looked down to keep an eye on their progress and to try and learn something in the process, I was amazed at how erotic the whole 'set-up' looked. During the course of the next few minutes, it was obvious that the night was going to become even more erotic than I had first imagined. The pair of them began to lick up either side of my seven inch member, reaching the head of my cock at the very same time. Then, they would proceed to give each other a quick kiss. After about a minute of that, Caoimhe took over and gave me a 'full-on' blow job that I wouldn't be forgetting about in a hurry. While his wife-to-be was demonstrating me how to give a great blow job, Steven had got behind Caoimhe and was beginning to massage her gorgeous tits. Soon, Caoimhe stopped sucking my now sensitive cock and slowly pulled away after giving my cock a last, longing lick. As she did so, Steven also pulled away from where he was and stood up straight and Caoimhe followed his lead. As the intensity of the events got the better of me, I knew I had to give Caoimhe another long snog - my way of thanking her for the night's events so far. After we broke away from each other, it became obvious that the next lesson was about to begin - giving blow jobs. As Caoimhe and Steven started snogging again, I noticed Steven rising to the occasion quite nicely. Caoimhe then started to lower herself down Steven's great body - kissing every available inch of his torso. Soon, she was on her knees and was ready to start giving the blow job to her future husband. Before she went any further, she started to rub Steven's member through his boxer shorts that he was still wearing. As soon as it was obvious that Stevie was as horny as he could get, Caoimhe stopped what she was doing and looked up at me. "Aren't you going to come and join me down here?", asked Caoimhe.
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